Louella ‘Ōpu‘ulani Wallace Albino
(16x12) Oil on Canvas
Born in a small house near Ho‘olehua post office, Aunty Louella ‘Ōpu‘ulani Wallace Albino was one of 12 children. She was later adopted by her aunty and uncle. Her family is 5th generation homesteaders from Waikapū, Maui. Education was very important in her family. From her mother, she learned sewing, weaving, lauhala work, and Hawaiian medicine. She believes that knowledge is passed down through mo‘opuna, then they become kupuna, and then back to mo‘opuna again. Aunty Louella had so much aloha for the early homesteaders and learned how much oli, language, Hawaiian medicine, and hard work mattered. While working in her garden, she had a personal spiritual experience that pushed her to become a Hawaiian educator. She became the first Hawaiian language teacher on Moloka‘i. She taught at Pūnana Leo o Moloka‘i and Ke Kula Kaiapuni o Kualapu‘u. She wants the people of Moloka‘i to know who they are and where they came from so that they can take care of their home. Nothing is more important than family and showing the value of kōkua, helping one another.